Monday, April 26, 2010

"Relapse Prevention"

Below is a portion of an email I received from a brother in one of our 423 Men groups. I'm proud of this man because he recognized his problem and put into place a relapse prevention plan, including some of the following action steps...

-----1. Taking full responsibility for his behavior.

-----2. Ruthlessly facing his denial.

-----3. Expanding his sexual sobriety line.

-----4. Accepting the impact of his behavior on his wife and others.

-----5. Telling his wife when he falls below his sexual sobriety line.

-----6. Starting additional weekly accountability with 423 Men.

-----7. Practicing P B & J (prayer, Bible, journaling).

-----8. Developing a thankful attitude.


"A little [update] about me. I relapsed, badly. Watching things I shouldn't. Masturbating. And gone so far as to drinking at work. The worst part was that I was completely unaware. Rationalizing, minimizing, and apparently in complete denial. My wife, the wonderful soul that she is, started probing and asking questions to which I divulged all. She was hurt and quite angry, and rightfully so.

But good has come of it. For two weeks, I've been back on track and have added to my [sexual] sobriety line, "to tell my wife when I fall". At times it's still rough, but we're on a better path and we're on it together. I've also started a new accountability with a couple of guys in the [423 Men] group and got back into reading and prayer. I thank the Lord for my wife and all my great brothers.

(If you would like to post the above portion of this on the site anonymously, you're more than welcome)

I pray that things are well with you. Keep the fight and push on.

"The fear of the Lord leads to life: Then one rests content, untouched by trouble."
Proverbs 19.23

Much love brother."

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