Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Sexual Healing" by Jeff Bethke

So lets look as this subject, and ill tell you why im disgusted,
So tonight looks like sex will be the topic of discussion.
Now sex isn’t evil, for marriage is why God made it,
But I know you like come on Jeff, that’s too outdated.
This is 2011 bro, we do it for recreation,
Hey this is even college, so we do it while you’re wasted.
lets look into that logic lets pop off the seal,
And lets question something we thought is already a done deal,
For example take a rape victim and once its revealed
When her bruises go away is she totally healed?
I mean the damage is lasting, you can see it in her eyes,
If it was just abused recreation, why did it ruin her life?
I mean if sex is just for fun then why on us does it take such a toll,
Maybe its because You don’t have sex with a body, you have sex with a soul.

That means for me there aint no premarital lovin,
And it aint just because I don’t want a baby in the oven,
Its because I’m staying pure until the day that I’m a husband.
but see this wasn’t always me that’s guarantee,
so lets go back and see who I used to be.
Growing up, I never learned how to treat a lady
If I learned anything from my dad, it was leave the mom, ditch the baby.
I don’t say that to get sympathy, I say that to be real,
Because according to stats, about 40% of you know how that feels.
So I let the tv show me, what the music already told me,
No dad at home, so I let mtv mold me.
And they sold me, so my life revolved around what girl I could get next,
My whole life revolved around this girl name sex.
Shoot I gotta confess Id get at her on text,
But it seems the longer we dated, the bigger the mess
But see ive been there, where my girlfriend was late on that time of the month,
If you’ve been there too, you know what I mean when I say my heart sunk.
I started to justify abortion, I would butter it up
But they don’t have condoms for sin, you cant just cover it up.
I didn’t have a baby, thankfully
Its funny how I was pro-life, until it happened to me.
So dudes think twice before you desire her just cuz she’s hot,
Because your body makes a promise whether you do or not.

Sorry I digress, lets get back to the topic,
How there are guys in here who pressure her even when she says stop it.
Youre not a man, youre just a boy who can shave and you put on a good cover,
Cuz if you don’t respect her when she says no, you certainly don’t love her.
So start studying her heart, and stop studying her booty,
Or maybe invest the same amount of time in her, that you do in call of duty
I mean whats make you think you have the right to get a girl and get naughty?
you should have to touch her heart and her mind first before you ever touch her body
Because she longs to be accepted, she longs to be loved,
So she gives herself up to another guys lust,
it feels good at first, and then she gets bitter,
Cuz the promises of satisfaction it never delivers,
See shes like man I don’t want to, its just too tempting,
So she keeps opening up the present, just to find its empty.
And then she starts to get confused,
Because she keeps getting rejected by all these dudes,
They tell her on scale of 10 shes a two,
But that aint true, if she only knew,
That Jesus, he loves and accepts us,
Even when we don’t deserve it, he never rejects us,
He heals us from that sin totally infects us,
He does what condoms cant, he emotionally protect us.
I know some of you like “this guys wack” and you gunna wanna indict me,
But we gotta think rightly, so ill ask politely,
can we really say this isn’t true even slightly?
Touch the forbidden fruit, just to realize its poison ivy
Now we’re numb and we’re itching, and jacked up our psyche
You don’t think you just do it, like your name was nike
Not realizing the consequences of sin, is oh so pricey

So this last story is for those who think they’re too dirty
This last story, its for those who think they’re unworthy.
Read John chapter 8, the woman caught in adultery,
Religious leaders throw her naked in the temple, while she yells “Don’t murder me”
“Jesus! The law commands us to stone this woman!” you hear the hate in their tone,
Jesus pauses and then says, “whoever is without sin, you can cast the first stone”
Can you imagine the sound? Silence all around,
You hear footsteps walk away, you hear stones hit the ground.
Jesus kneels down, the woman thought it was her demise,
He lifts up her face, you see the grace in his eyes,
I don’t condemn you, go and sin no more,
I love and accept you, mercy is yours.
If you’re anything like me you’re like no it cant be, no I cant see,
Why would he die for me?
Then I saw the scene, where I was redeemed
He reached out and touched me, and said Jeff you’re free,
Instantly I was wearing the brightest robe id ever seen,
Perfectly spotless, perfectly clean!
So bright in fact, I thought id go blind,
I said who’s is this? He said “actually its mine”
So stop and think before you eat what society feeds us,
Come follow the King, his name is Jesus.

I received permission from Jeff Bethke to post this fabulous presentation of his poem "Sexual Healing".  From Jeff: "feel free brother! i am humbled by the request. feel free to post or do anything you'd like with it. All glory to the king. and Praise God for solid rock! i went there while i was going to Pacific U, and i loved it. jesus is definitely working and moving there. thanks again bro! let me know if you need anything else."


  1. these lyrics are so inaccurate

  2. i like tu u tape in spanish

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